Thursday, 2 March 2017

Swim for Life

This week we have had 2 sessions with the instructors from Swim for Life. The children have been learning survival skills for in the water.


  1. Kia ora Team Awa,
    Great to see you learning all about survival skills with Swim for Life. We are lucky to have so many great beaches and rivers in Northland for swimming so it's so important we know how to be safe and survive! What are some of the top tips you have learnt?

  2. Hi Team Awa
    I love reading all your blog posts that you have put up this term. Won't it be great when you get your own individual blogs to write all your achievements on?

    It is so good that you get to learn survival skills in the water and get used to wearing your life jackets. I wonder what you'll be learning this week with your swimming classes.

    Bye for now from Maree.

  3. Renee thought this activity was fun. Great to see the individual and team engagement and skills that are so important being learnt byou having fun.

  4. Kia ora Team Awa
    I like the way everyone was wearing their life jacket correctly. Is it tricky to put on a life jacket? Did you need someone to help you? Does anyone have a photo of them wearing their own life jacket while boating or kayaking with family or friends? From Nicola (Kate's mum)

  5. i like your swimming video when you are floating on your back .

  6. hi my name is Millar i like your work it is cool :)

  7. hi you guys look smart..

  8. Hi my name is Abbie-lee I go to blaketown school it is a good school I love it so much that I do not want to leave this school I am 9 years old I love you swimming on your back and on your own

  9. Hi my name is Myha and I go to Blaketown school. I really like the way your school does swimming together. and work really well as a group.we do swimming at the pools as well. Where do you swim?. I really in enjoyed your post

  10. nice swimmiming

  11. hi my name is Quinn I go to blaketown school And I enjoyed your slide show.And how did you make it change to those other slides

